Sunday, May 22, 2011

The BABY'S room!!!

Our house has 4 bedrooms. When we moved into this house, I was SO excited to have an office of my own. It was my soap making room, my writing room and just a place for me to be. Problem was, I hardly ever used it.

It was too dangerous to be mixing lye and all that is involved in my opinion in a bedroom away from a sink. So, when it is soap making time, I'll pick out my butters and oils and bring them down to the kitchen.

When I write, I write wherever I may land. And as the kids got older, it was easy enough to pull out the chair in the kitchen and do my work. And if I really needed quiet time, I'd so much rather go to the coffee shop. (And then I'd realize that working at the coffee shop never provided me with the quiet that I needed.)

The office then adopted a twin bed and chair for the times when we'd have a guest spend the night, so in this room I had a soap making table, a writing desk, a big wing chair and a bed with a side table. And a big closet stuffed to the rim with soap making supplies, photo albums and all of the other bits and pieces of other crafts that I've started along the way. A bit cramped, but still mine all mine.

Today, one minute it was sunny and the next SECOND it was pouring rain. We ran like crazy to close all the windows and Miles ran into my office and yelled, "OH NO!! THE BABY'S ROOM!!"

Logan rushed in and said, "What!? The BABY'S room? MOM! The BABY'S room is getting SOAKED!"

The baby's room.

This has never once been uttered out of anyone's mouth. Sure, it's been assumed that the "baby" will have that room, but to hear them instantly, without thought call it the baby's room was pretty much amazing.

Yes, the floor was soaked. But the "baby's room" was quickly dried with the help of my amazing little men. How lucky am I?


  1. I totally get that! My sewing room has always been a no kids/husbands room. Just mine. Now, the sewing stuff is jammed into our bedroom and it's "the baby's room" Never thought it would be so great though!

  2. So so cute. We too have 4 bedrooms and I can't wait to start putting her room together.
