Thursday, July 14, 2011

Well, maybe I don't actually have to find something to do during the wait....

Feeling more positive about waiting to see Cora today.  Looking out at the calendar, I realize that the time really IS going to go fast.  Check it out.
  • July - Dave's birthday + camping trip
  • August - My birthday + dells trip
  • September - School starts + Korean Classes
  • October - Korean classes + Halloween
  • November - Korean Classes Logan's birthday + Thanksgiving
  • December - Christmas
  • January - New Years + Miles birthday
  • Feb - TRAVEL!?  (Maybe.)
One other good thing is that Miles will be 7 when it's time to travel.  It's good because he will feel so much older than she is, still at 4.  He really wants to be the BIIIIG brother.  And I think with her size, he really will be, but it's just a mental thing for him, too, to see ages 6 and 4.  Ages 7 and 4 sound older. ;) 

And the delayed travel will give us time to take Korean levels 1 and hopefully 2 if they are back-to-back.  That will be SO helpful.  And there will be no rushing.  We'll slowly be able to get ready and when the time comes to go, I believe we'll be ready to go!

Would it be great having her here for all of those things? Well, sure, of course.  But we have plenty of things to pass the time so we're not just waiting.

1 comment:

  1. What a good list of stuff to do to keep busy during the wait! And remember another thing to do is plan and prepare her care packages! =)
